• Corporate Office 402-403 Sarthik II, S G Road, Ahmedabad - 380054

Trizinc 100ml Syrup

This nutritional supplement contains zinc. Zinc helps the body’s natural defense against damaging free radicals (antioxidant effect) and helps boost immune function. Free radicals are highly reactive and unstable chemicals generated during normal body activities that require oxygen (e.g., respiration, digestion, blood circulation, immune system response, etc.) and after exposure to UV light, cigarette smoke and various pollutants. One major effect of

zinc is on the ability of cells to properly replicate the. DNA, which is required for cells to multiply. Hence, zinc is needed for normal growth.
Zinc has other known functions/effects:
Zinc is also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF as an adjunct in acute diarrhea management together with reduced osmolarity oral rehydration salts (ORS).
This nutritional supplement is used for the following conditions:
• As an adjunct in the management of acute diarrhea
• To help boost immune function
• To help support optimum physical growth and development

Zinc Oral Drops is a high potency, well tolerated liquid form of Zinc for cost effective flexible dosing for all age groups. Zinc is an important trace mineral essential for healthy hormone production, immune function, skin health and growth and repair.
Ingredients: zinc
Packing: 1 bottle/pack
Formulation: drop
Dosage: For infants below one year one ml or as prescribed by the physician

Restrict dose as advised by physician. Avoid prolong use. Avoid milk or other dairy products, calcium and antacid during administration.

Side Effects :
Allergic reaction like hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of face, lips, tongueor throat. Minerals can cause tooth staining, increased urination, stomach bleeding, uneven heart rate, confusion, and muscle weakness or limp feeling.
Storage Conditions:
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.